FPDCC 2021-2022 Equestrian License and tag

May 20, 2021
Dear Equestrian Patron,
Your current annual equestrian rider’s license (membership card) and
equestrian tag are scheduled to expire on June 30, 2021. Membership cards
must be with the rider and tags must be worn on the horse at all times
while riding on FPCC trails.
2021-2022 Equestrian License and tag will be available for purchase starting
May 24, 2021. Upon completion of the purchase, both the membership
card(s) and horse tag(s) will be mailed to the address provided. Please
allow 1-2 weeks’ processing time for FPCC staff to mail your membership
card and/or tag(s).
You may apply:
– Online: www.fpdcc.com/equestrian
– Email: fpd.permits@cookcountyil.gov
– USPS Mail: General Headquarters at 536 N Harlem Avenue in River Forest, IL 60305
– Office: The permits counter at the Forest Preserves General Headquarters is open on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 9 am – 3 pm. An appointment is required and can be booked online.

As COVID-19 regulations change, please refer to our website for the most up to date FPCC regulations.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Permits, Rentals and
Concessions Department (PRC) at 800-870-3666 option 1. Thank you for
your continued support of the Forest Preserves of Cook County.
Permits, Rentals and Concessions